Combining the processing power of our computers has already contributed more to COVID-19 research than Google

Pooling the processing power of our computers has become a powerhouse for COVID-19 research, surpassing even Google’s contributions. Through collaborative computing, we’ve accelerated data analysis, simulations, and complex computations, leading to groundbreaking insights and advancements in understanding the virus. This collective effort showcases the immense potential of distributed computing, demonstrating that by harnessing the strength of many, we can achieve scientific breakthroughs that outpace even the capabilities of tech giants. Together, we are driving innovation, accelerating progress, and making substantial strides in the fight against the pandemic.

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If you are a graphic designer or a gamer, chances are you have a good graphics card. If you do, then you can put your graphics card to good use when you aren’t using it by contributing processing power to this effort.

Brandon Howard • All My Web Needs

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